You can update your delivery instructions by logging into your account, and clicking on the tab Manage Box - If you have more than one subscription, you'll see them listed here. When you click on the little arrow titled My boxes, a dropdown menu will appear to allow you to select any other recurring subscriptions active in your account.
Simply click on the subscription(s) you'd like to amend. Then click on Box settings and Change Delivery Details.
If you live in London, or Southeast of England, or in the Midlands, your delivery instructions are limited to 225 characters. If you live in the North of England, your delivery instructions are limited to 80 characters.
Don’t forget to click Save Changes. Please ensure to do this before your cut-off otherwise it won't come into effect until the following delivery.
Some customers find it handy to supply a photo of their delivery safe place. This also provides added assurance to our drivers to ensure they are in the right spot. If you’d like to add a photo, please get in touch with our Customer Happiness Team.